Nice as it was to learn that I'd passed all of my recent exams, that silver lining had a cloud. Yesterday I was given my exact marks for the exams, and discovered that my two recent practical exams were very, very narrow passes. By 4 or 5 marks, and since the overall exam has over a thousand marks, that is tiny. I scraped through both exams, and it was very very close. Too close, there's no margin for error.
The day of the big exam was a "good day". I'd done a load of confidence building and affirmations, put my positive mindset on, and got in the best frame of mind. Nothing at all went wrong, and I was the best I could be for almost all the exam (although towards the end of the three hours I did get pretty tired, everyone does). So if my absolute best is to scrape through with the tiniest margin of error, what happens if I'm not at my absolute best next time? I might have a streaming cold, a headache, too much nerves, a grumpy examiner - anything that could lose me those 4 or 5 marks.
This has at least put the frighteners on and given me a considerable kick up the rear to get me back into revising and not sitting around beinig complacent, but for a good 24 hours it pushed me too far. I think there's a scale of:
complacent, unmotivated, not working enough ----to---- motivated, hard-working, slightly scared but in a healthy way -----to---- panicked, totally terrified, unable to work, so convinced of failure what's the point in working
and I went from the left end to the right end, completely bypassing the healthy middle. An email from a friend, an email from a mentor, and some time with the other re-takers later, I'm feeling a bit less chicken-heady (I am no longer running around with my head chopped off, which I was mentally doing this morning). I'm towards the right of the middle and it would be good to get even further towards the middle.
It would be easier if I knew what I was actually doing wrong in the exams and had some idea of what to improve, but no, that would be too easy. Medical school is a cryptic crossword. It's very frustrating to have a station which I thought went amazingly (patient/actor clearly liked me, I asked all the questions for the diagnosis and all the others to rule out a differential diagnosis, I answered the viva questions brilliantly - I am not a show-off, but I thought it was my best station of the day), the examiner gave largely positive feedback comments, with the only negative that I was "a little slow to get through all the points" - this does at least suggest that I got through all the points, to fail the station getting a little over 50% of the marks. How does that work?!
So in the absence of really having an idea of what to improve, I just need to spend the next three weeks becoming the most incredible doctor all-round that there could possibly be. I will dazzle and amaze all the examiners. A tall order but who knows what could happen...
And I will not spend the next three weeks wondering whether these horrendous results suggest that actually I'm not really ready to be a doctor, and it would be much safer for me and the general public if I did re-take the year, learn how to be a good doctor, and make a better attempt next year when I actually know something. That is not productive thinking. But it is tempting.
The above is yet another reason why this blog is anonymous. My patients don't really want to know how much I've failed, or how close I came to failing. At least, they don't want to know that and then continue to be treated by me. And I will want them to continue to be treated by me - it would be embarassing for me and problematic for the hospital if not. Much as medicine is trying to break with the tradition of paternalistic "the patient doesn't want to know X [often that they had cancer]", I feel it's appropriate here if only for my own peace of mind. I want my patients to have confidence in me. If I pass, I've passed and I am good enough to be their doctor. If they knew the numbers this may be less obvious.
Hello, I was trying to be a medical student. I took the scenic route to becoming a doctor. I blogged my experiences, struggles, and how I was a little bit scared of people, and other stuff. My sister said I was "trying to be a doctor" when she meant "training to be a doctor". We found it funny but it comes back to haunt me. I'm no longer a student, I blog at - Join me there! But I'm mostly on Twitter - @TryingtobeaDr
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